Blue Mountain. White Cloud
Short documentary | 2024 | 10’45” | Super 8 mm to HD/DCP | Color | Sound
There is a story circulating among Zen Buddhist monks about two types of monks. First ones are settled and spend all their life in a monastery, they are identified with the blue mountains, while others are like white clouds – constantly traveling from one place to another. In the film, the filmmaker and Won Bo Sunim, a Lithuanian woman who decided to go to South Korea more than 20 years ago and become a Zen monk, embark on a journey in the mountains of South Korea.

Director | Miglė Križinauskaitė-Bernotienė
Producer | Akvilė Žilionytė
Editor | Nurruzaman Khan
Sound Designer | Laurynas Kamarauskas
Composer | Migloko
Color Editor | Nojus Drąsutis
Main Cast | Won Bo Sunim
Produced by | ARTIŠOKAI
The film was produced with the funding of Lithuanian Film Centre.
Tramway Film Festival;
ANALOGICA Film Festival;
Festival international Signes de Nuit;
Pori Film Festival;
Torino Underground Cinefest.